
Showing posts from 2020

Healthy plum cake

A healthy version of plum cake, let's see how... Ingredients 1 cup wheat flour 3 tblspn bajra flour 3 tblspn jowar flour 1 - 1.25 cup melted jaggery 1 cup curd 1/4 tspn baking soda 3/4 tspn baking powder 1 cup soaked dry fruits 1 tablespoon spice mix 1.25 tspn orange zest/peel powder 3 tablespoon oil 2 tablespoon cocoa powder 1/4 tspn dry ginger powder. Few drops of orange/lemon essence Salt a pinch Melted jaggery Melt jaggery in little water to get flowing consistency melted jaggery. Dark jaggery better. Strain n use. Spice mix Dry roast  3 cardamom pods, an inch cinnamon stick, 6-8 black pepper corns, a piece of star anise, mace & nutmeg, 6-8 cloves and powder them. Soaked dry fruits Soak dry fruits of your choice or whatever available in alcohol or juice. Orange juice or wine can b used. If soaking in alcohol (rum / brandy) soak for more days and use and can b stored outside. If using in juice then 1 day is fine , store in fridge . Or 2-3 hours outsid

Masala chai cake

  Am a fan of Indian chai and a baking enthusiast....thought of combining both of them my style.....let's see how Ingredients 1 cup oats powder 1/4 cup jowar flour 2 tablespoon flax seed powder 3/4 - 1 cup melted jaggery 3.5 tablespoon oil 3/4 tspn baking soda 1 1/4 tspn baking powder 1/3 cup curd 1/2 cup masala tea concoction Salt a pinch Method Dry roast oats and flax seeds, powder it when it's warm and keep aside. Boil 3/4 cup milk, add coarsely grinded masala(clove, cardamom, cinnamon, fennel seeds, black pepper) , grated fresh ginger and tea leaves and let it boil n reduce till 1/2 cup. Let it cool down. Take a bowl mix curd and soda & leave for 3 minutes till it froths a bit. Mix oats powder, flaxseeds powder, jowar flour, baking powder and salt well. Add oil , melted jaggery to the curd-soda mixture and whisk well. ( I used hand whisk). Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and gradually mix , add tea concoction along and make a batter. Lastly spri

Peanut butter- coconut cookies with dates syrup

 Coconut cookies with a difference which makes it gluten-free too.....let's see how... Ingredients 1 cup amaranth flour 1/2 cup desicated Coconut 5-6 tabelspoon dates syrup 3 tablespoon peanut Butter 1 teaspoon cardamom powder Water if required Salt a pinch Method Take amaranth flour, desicated Coconut, salt,  peanut butter and cardamom powder in a bowl and rub with hand so that it becomes sand like texture. Add dates syrup spoon by spoon and gather everything to form a rough dough. Take spoonful into hands, roll n give any shape to the cookies, sprinkle some desicated Coconut on top. Bake in a parchment lined tray @ 170 degree for 15-18 minutes  in a preheated oven. Remove, let it cool and store in an airtight container. Notes I used 250 ml measurement cup To knead and mix use water if required only that too add spoon by spoon. Roast desicated coconut a little to enhance its flavours and smell.

Amla cookies

 Amlas are powerhouse of vitamin c and much available in winter season. Bake these healthy amla cookies and take your dose of Vitamin c. Ingredients Oats flour/powder       - 150 gms Rice flour.                       - 50 gms Grated amla.                  - 1/2 cup Chaat masala.                - 2 tspn Black salt.                        - 1/2 tspn Baking powder.               - 1/2 tspn Roasted white sesame seeds - 1 tablespoon Butter at room temp.      - 70 gms Jaggery powder.             -. 3 tablespoon Water as required Salt to taste  Method Roast oats for few minutes, cool n grind into powder. Remove seeds from amla n grate them. Take a deep bowl, add oats, rice flour and butter and rub nicely with hands to get a sandy texture. Add black salt, regular salt, chaat masala, grated amla, sesame seeds, baking powder, jaggery powder and mix well. Gradually add water little by little and knead into a dough. Roll into round shape, cut out cookies shapes of your choice and place on a grease

Egg-less whole wheat chocolate cake with jaggery

Ingredients Wheat flour.                             2 cups Melted jaggery.                     1.5 cup Curd.                                       3/4 cup Baking soda.                         3/4 tspn Baking powder.                    1.5 tspn Cocoa powder.                    3 tablespoon Unflavored oil.                      3 tablespoon Vanilla/chocolate essence      Few drops Milk.                                         1/2-3/4 cup Salt a pinch Method Preheat oven @ 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Mix curd and soda and keep aside for 5-8 minutes or till it froths up a bit. Sieve flour, baking powder, salt and cocoa powder 3-4 times. Add  melted jaggery, oil, essence to curd and soda mixture and mix well. Add dry ingredients gradually to wet ingredients and mix to become a batter by adding milk little by little. Pour into two 6 inch greased round tin equally  and bake at 180 degree  for 35-40 minutes or till the toothpick comes out clean Take out of tin and cool completely. Notes I used

Lemon cake with Rice flour

 Baking a cake with rice flour was in my mind since quite a few days, also have never tried a lemon cake too. So thought why not do both of them together and see what comes out of the oven?? To my surprise a soft , moist and delicious cake I got.....let's see how... Ingredients Rice flour.                1/2 cup Curd.                         1/3 cup Oil.                             1/4 cup Natural brown sugar. 1/2 cup Baking soda.              1/4 tspn Baking powder.          1/2 tspn Lemon zest.                 1.5 tspn Lemon juice                  2-3 tblspn Turmeric powder (optional).  1/2 tspn Salt a pinch           Method Preheat oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Add soda to curd, mix and keep aside for 5 minutes till it froths up. Sieve rice flour, salt and baking powder 4-6 times. Pour curd and soda mixture in a large deep bowl, add lemon juice, zest, oil, brown sugar and whisk till everything mixes well. Add dry ingredients to wet ones gradually and mix well with a spatul

Gluten free cake with jaggery and dates syrup

Another gluten free cake from my kitchen, let's see how this healthy version is being baked... Ingredients Jowar flour.          70 gms/1/2 cup Rice flour.              70 gms/1/2 cup Ragi flour.              60 gms/1/2 cup-2tblspn Dates syrup.         100ml Jaggery syrup.      120ml Curd.                        125 ml Unflavored oil.        85 ml Cocoa powder.        3 tablespoon Baking powder.       1.25 teaspoon Baking soda.            1/2 teaspoon Vanilla essence.       Few drops Salt a pinch Method Preheat oven @200 degrees for 10 minutes. Take 200 gm jaggery in a pan, add 3/4 cup water and boil till jaggery melts and the consistency is semi thick( not too watery neither too thick). Let it cool. Measure the syrup should be 120 ml or else melt jaggery accordingly. Dry roast all flours on low flame and keep aside to cool.(flour should not change colour) Add baking soda to curd, mix and keep aside for 10 minutes till it froths up. Sieve roasted flours, baking powder, salt and coc

Healthy Parsi mawa cake

 Baking a Parsi mawa cake was in my pending list since long, finally baked it recently that too with my own twists and turns to make it healthy. Ingredients Whole wheat flour.            1.5 cups/200 gms Ragi flour                             2 tblspn/20 gms Oats flour                             2 tblspn/20 gms Jaggery syrup.                    1 cup Honey.                                    1/2 cup Grated mawa/khoya          100 gms Oil.                                             70 ml Eggs.                                         3 nos. Baking powder.                        1.5 tspn Cardamon powder.                  1 tblspn Cardamom essence few drops(optional) Chopped dry fruits                   3 tblspn Edible dried rose petals.          1 tblspn Milk.                                               1/2 cup Salt a pinch Method Boil around 130-150 gms of jaggery in 1.5 cup of  water till it melts and you get a cup of Jaggery syrup. Preheat the oven at 200 degrees f

Choco-spinach camouflage bread - healthy

Beautiful patterns always attracts me in the bread. I always try to do some sort of design, and love the excitement to see how it has turned out that too using all-natural colours.....let's see how this beautiful pattern has been derived using spinach and cocoa powder. Ingredients Whole wheat flour.                  2 cups Chiroti rava.                              2 cups Jowar flour.                               3/4 cup Spinach puree.                           1/2 cup Cocoa powder.                           2 tblspn Instant yeast.                              2 tspn Milk powder (optional).             2 tblspn Unflavored oil.                              4 tblspn Lukewarm water as required Salt as per taste Method Blanch a small bunch of spinach, cool down and blend it to get 1/2 cup puree. Take 3 deep bowls. Take 1 cup wheat flour, 1 cup rava, all milk powder, salt,  2 tblspn oil, 1 tspn yeast in one of the bowl and make a soft dough by adding required quantity of

Coconut - Mango Halwa

When Mango meets coconut it becomes a yummy halwa, let's see how... Ingredients 1 cup decicated coconut 1/2 cup ghee 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup mango puree 1/4 tspn cardamom powder Few strands of saffron soaked in 2 tblspoon milk 1 tablspoon chopped nuts Method Heat ghee in a kadhai. Saute coconut in ghee till u get the aroma. Add mango puree, sugar, cardamom powder & saffron milk and mix well. Cook till everything mixes well, properly cooked. Once it thickens and becomes halwa consistency, switch off the gas. Add chopped nuts and mix well. Serve hot or cold as per your choice.  Notes Check for the sweetness of mango puree and add sugar accordingly.

Multicolored whole wheat and semolina bread loaf

It's a pleasure to see such a beauty on the breakfast table. My multicolour bread loaf with all natural colours baked with whole wheat flour and semolina. Ingredients Whole wheat flour.       2 cups Chiroti rava (fine semolina) 2 cups Beetroot puree.          1/4 cup Spinach puree.           1/4 cup Carrot puree.               1/4 cup Charcoal powder.        1 tablspoon Active yeast.                 1.5 tspn Unflavored oil.               1/2 cup aprox Honey.                             3 tspn Salt to taste Lukewarm water vas required Method Steam 1 medium sized carrot and Beetroot and make puree of it with very little water. Blanch a bunch of spinach and blend to a puree. Take a deep bowl , add one cup of whole wheat flour and semolina each, 1/4 tspn yeast, required salt, 2 tblspn oil, 1.5 tspn honey and required amt of lukewarm water and make a smooth dough with stretch and pull method. Divide the remaining flour, yeast, oil, honey in 4 equal quantity i

Beetroot and coriander bread loaf

One more swirl bread with my favourite veggie Beetroot , this time I added coriander leaves for the green touch. Let's see how... Ingredients Whole wheat flour.                 2 cups Unflavored oil.                         2 tblspn Yeast.                                        1/2 tspn Honey.                                       2 tspn Beetroot puree.                        3/4 cup Finely chopped coriander leaves.    3 tblspn Milk powder (optional).            1 tblspn Salt to taste Method Steam a medium size beetroot, cool and blend in a mixer with too little water to get a thick puree. Take 1/2 cup lukewam water,add honey and yeast mix well and keep it covered aside for 10 minutes to bloom. Take a deep large bowl, add flour, oil, salt, milk powder, beetroot puree and activated yeast. Mix well and form a dough using water if required. Take out the dough on a large surface and knead with stretch n pull method for 8-10 minutes to form a smooth dough.

Strawberry jam

Strawberries in season, bright red and beautiful...make maximum use of it.... Home made strawberry jam without any kind of stabalizers, thickners or preservatives  Ingredients Strawberries.                                300 gms Organic sugar.                             1 cup Powdered cloves and cardamom.  1/2 tspn Method Clean n wash strawberries and dry them. Puree it in blender. Transfer it to a non stick/heavy bottom kadhai. Let it cook for 3 minutes. Add sugar and mix well. Cook untill sugar dissolves completely. Mix the powdered spices and stir well. The mixture will thicken, switch it off. Let it cool and transfer to a sterilized glass jar and store. Notes Quantity of sugar depends on sweetness of strawberries. Can add little water to adjust consistency. Do not wait till the mixture thickens fully, switch the gas off after 2 minutes when it starts thickening. In all the cooking process takes 30-40 minutes.

Whole wheat carrot cake

 I love winter season for one more reason - red carrots. Try adding it in almost all recipes. Being a baker , carrots go into my baking too. What's better than a cake dedicated to carrots itself - haha...let's see how we can bake a healthy version of carrot cake. Ingredients Whole wheat flour.                     2 cups  Curd.                                               1 Cup Organic brown sugar.                 2/3 cup Vanilla essence.                          Few drops Cinnamon powder.                    A teaspoon Grated carrots.                            1 cup Unflavored oil.                            1/2 cup Cornflour.                                     1/3 cup Baking powder.                           A teaspoon Milk.                                               As required Vinegar.                                         A teaspoon Salt a pinch Method Beat curd, sugar, vanilla essence and oil together till it  becomes soft and fluffy.

Whole wheat strawberry choco bread

When son likes strawberries daughter likes chocolate and mom loves baking breads at home this is the outcome ☺️....... strawberry choco bread loaf 🤗 Ingredients Whole wheat flour.                  2 cups Chiroti rava.                             1 cup Strawberry puree.                    1/2 cup Cocoa powder.                         2 tblspn Instant yeast.                            1 tspn Honey.                                        1 tspn Milk powder (optional).             2 tblspn Oil.                                                2 tblspn Salt as required Lukewarm water as required Method Take few strawberries, wash them and blend them to get half cup of puree. Add honey, lukewarm water and yeast and leave it for 10 mins to activate. Take 1 cup whole wheat flour, half cup chiroti rava, required salt, 1 tblspn milk powder, strawberry puree, little lukewarm water, 1tblspn oil, half of yeast mixture and knead a dough with stretch n pull method, and leav