Multicolored whole wheat and semolina bread loaf

It's a pleasure to see such a beauty on the breakfast table. My multicolour bread loaf with all natural colours baked with whole wheat flour and semolina.

Whole wheat flour.       2 cups
Chiroti rava (fine semolina) 2 cups
Beetroot puree.          1/4 cup
Spinach puree.           1/4 cup
Carrot puree.               1/4 cup
Charcoal powder.        1 tablspoon
Active yeast.                 1.5 tspn
Unflavored oil.               1/2 cup aprox
Honey.                             3 tspn
Salt to taste
Lukewarm water vas required

  • Steam 1 medium sized carrot and Beetroot and make puree of it with very little water.
  • Blanch a bunch of spinach and blend to a puree.
  • Take a deep bowl , add one cup of whole wheat flour and semolina each, 1/4 tspn yeast, required salt, 2 tblspn oil, 1.5 tspn honey and required amt of lukewarm water and make a smooth dough with stretch and pull method.
  • Divide the remaining flour, yeast, oil, honey in 4 equal quantity in 4 different bowls.
  • Add salt , lukewarm water and Beetroot, carrot and spinach puree in 3 of them and make a dough.
  • In the fourth bowl add charcoal powder and make a dough.
  • Keep all the 5 doughs for first proofing till it doubles in size.
  • Then take it one by one, punch out the air and mildly knead it again.
  • Make 5 equal portions of the Beetroot, carrot, spinach and charcoal dough, and 5 similar portions from the white dough.( Remember to keep aside a large part aside from the white dough).
  • Make cylindrical shape logs with all the cut portions of the size as per the length of the bread tin and keep aside on a dusted surface.
  • Roll the remaining white dough into a big Chapati.
  • Place the coloured cylindrical logs randomly as u want with white one inserted in between the coloured ones on one edge of the rolled chapati.
  • Cover it from other side in such a way that all the logs are inside and entire thing is covered by the white dough.
  • Shape it as per the size of the tin and place it in greased tin.
  • Give egg-wash to it and sprinkle seeds of your choice (optional) on the surface.
  • Cover with a cloth and leave for second proofing till it reaches a little bit over the tin brim.
  • Bake it in a preheated oven at 190 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
  • Both sides can be baked a little more with bottom rod on for extra colour. Also on top the same can be done.
  • Apply butter when it's still hot, cover with a damp cloth, take it out after few minutes and allow it to cool down completely.
  • Slice and enjoy different coloured bread slices. 


  • Use the purees as required, keep a watch as it will increase the water content.
  • First add purees and mix well , then only add water that too if required.


  1. Is there a video availability of this recipe

  2. Thanks for the recipe.
    Can u suggest a yeast brand. Gloripan yeast not available on amazon these days.. Unflavoured oil used is olive oil

    1. Thanks. Olive oil is fine. Gloripan, angel r good yeast. Else u will get dry active yeast with brands like bluebird, baker's, FR, Etc in the super markets too.. they come in 25 gm pkt...only difference is that they r granular ones do u hv to activate first abd then use in dough


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