Rich Dry fruit Christmas Cake

The most awaited month of the year, the last and the cool month of the year is here...December - the month of Christmas. Celebrations begin and without a christmas i dont think without it any christmas is complete. So here goes my (oops sorry!!!!) my mother's version of Christmas cake (of course with a little twist of mine)....Merry christmas to one and all....


Whole wheat flour                                                           2 cups
Baking powder                                                                 1 tspn
Cinnamon powder                                                            1/2 tspn
Nutmeg powder                                                                1/2 tspn
Clove powder                                                                    1/2 tspn
Vanilla essence                                                                   1 tspn
salt                                                                                     a pinch
Orange zest / Orange peel powder                                    1.5 tbspn
Castor sugar                                                                       1.5 cups
Any unflovoured cooking oil                                             1/4 cup
Milk                                                                                    1 cup / as required
Sugar (for caramalisation)                                                   2 tbspn
Soaked Dry fruits                                                               2 tblspn
(cherries, figs,cranberries,dates,black and green raisins,blueberries, tootifrooti)
Rum / Brandy/Wine/orange juice/grape juice                    as required to soak the dry fruits


Soaking of dry fruits
Take a glass jar and mix all the dry fruits, pour rum/brandy/wine/orange juice/grape juice (any thing of your choice) so much that the dry fruits are soaked properly and keep it aside.

Heat a pan and add sugar and 2 tbspn of water and let the sugar caramalise and become dark brown in colour.


  • Preheat the oven at 180 degrees.
  • Sieve wheat flour, salt,baking powder, cinnamon powder, nutmeg powder, clove powder 2-3 times and keep it aside.
  • Pour oil, vanilla essence, castor sugar in a deep bowl and beat well.
  • Add the dry wheat flour mixture little by little to the wet oil mixture.
  • Add orange zest/orange peel powder and soaked dry fruits and mix again.
  • Lastly add the caramalised sugar syrup and add milk if required and mix well into a smooth cake batter. Add milk to make the batter smooth and flowing and adjust the consistency.
  • Pour the batter into a greased / lined parchment paper  cake tin and bake at 180 degrees for  40-45 minutes or till done.
  • Insert a knife / toothpick in the center of the cake, if it comes out clean means the cake is ready.
  • REmove from the oven and let it cool and then cut and enjoy.


  • Sugar can be made powder in the mixer.
  • Orange peel can be dried in sun for few days and then powdered in a mixer jar.
  • Milk can be used as required to adjust the consistency of the batter.
  • juices can also be used for soaking, not \necessary alcohol only to be used.
  • Dry fruits has to be soaked for atleast 7-10 days for good results. The more the better.


  1. how to store this cake how long it can store

  2. canbe stored at room temp for 5-6 days if soaking in alcohol abd then in fridge for 1-2 weeks but less if using fruit juices


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