
Showing posts from December, 2020

Healthy plum cake

A healthy version of plum cake, let's see how... Ingredients 1 cup wheat flour 3 tblspn bajra flour 3 tblspn jowar flour 1 - 1.25 cup melted jaggery 1 cup curd 1/4 tspn baking soda 3/4 tspn baking powder 1 cup soaked dry fruits 1 tablespoon spice mix 1.25 tspn orange zest/peel powder 3 tablespoon oil 2 tablespoon cocoa powder 1/4 tspn dry ginger powder. Few drops of orange/lemon essence Salt a pinch Melted jaggery Melt jaggery in little water to get flowing consistency melted jaggery. Dark jaggery better. Strain n use. Spice mix Dry roast  3 cardamom pods, an inch cinnamon stick, 6-8 black pepper corns, a piece of star anise, mace & nutmeg, 6-8 cloves and powder them. Soaked dry fruits Soak dry fruits of your choice or whatever available in alcohol or juice. Orange juice or wine can b used. If soaking in alcohol (rum / brandy) soak for more days and use and can b stored outside. If using in juice then 1 day is fine , store in fridge . Or 2-3 hours outsid

Masala chai cake

  Am a fan of Indian chai and a baking enthusiast....thought of combining both of them my style.....let's see how Ingredients 1 cup oats powder 1/4 cup jowar flour 2 tablespoon flax seed powder 3/4 - 1 cup melted jaggery 3.5 tablespoon oil 3/4 tspn baking soda 1 1/4 tspn baking powder 1/3 cup curd 1/2 cup masala tea concoction Salt a pinch Method Dry roast oats and flax seeds, powder it when it's warm and keep aside. Boil 3/4 cup milk, add coarsely grinded masala(clove, cardamom, cinnamon, fennel seeds, black pepper) , grated fresh ginger and tea leaves and let it boil n reduce till 1/2 cup. Let it cool down. Take a bowl mix curd and soda & leave for 3 minutes till it froths a bit. Mix oats powder, flaxseeds powder, jowar flour, baking powder and salt well. Add oil , melted jaggery to the curd-soda mixture and whisk well. ( I used hand whisk). Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and gradually mix , add tea concoction along and make a batter. Lastly spri

Peanut butter- coconut cookies with dates syrup

 Coconut cookies with a difference which makes it gluten-free too.....let's see how... Ingredients 1 cup amaranth flour 1/2 cup desicated Coconut 5-6 tabelspoon dates syrup 3 tablespoon peanut Butter 1 teaspoon cardamom powder Water if required Salt a pinch Method Take amaranth flour, desicated Coconut, salt,  peanut butter and cardamom powder in a bowl and rub with hand so that it becomes sand like texture. Add dates syrup spoon by spoon and gather everything to form a rough dough. Take spoonful into hands, roll n give any shape to the cookies, sprinkle some desicated Coconut on top. Bake in a parchment lined tray @ 170 degree for 15-18 minutes  in a preheated oven. Remove, let it cool and store in an airtight container. Notes I used 250 ml measurement cup To knead and mix use water if required only that too add spoon by spoon. Roast desicated coconut a little to enhance its flavours and smell.